Conduct & Responsibilities

Athlete Code of Conduct

The athlete agrees to the following conditions as terms of his/her participating on a Barnwell Athletic team.

1. Commitment

Each team member is expected to attend all practices and games. Schedule conflicts must be discussed with the coach in advance. Each athlete must always be prompt for practices and games.  A person who quits a team in season or does not meet the above obligations will be placed on BREACH OF CONTRACT and must come before the Athletic Director before playing another season of any sport at Barnwell.

2. Sportsmanship

Barnwell School athletes and coaches are expected to maintain the highest standards. Respect for opponents and officials are paramount principles of our program. Fair Play: Athletes are expected to follow the principles of fair play, which are integrity, fairness, and respect. Our aim is to have honest rivalry, courteous relations, and graceful acceptance of the results.

3. Service

Participating athletes who benefit from our athletic program are expected to return service to the school in the form of assisting at special events, officiating, fund-raising, scorekeeping, etc. when reasonably requested.

4. Citizenship

High standards of behavior and attitude are required. School and district rules apply at all events. Use of alcohol, drugs or tobacco will result in school disciplinary action and possible suspension from athletics. Athletes agree to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times. Compliance with agreed on team or trip rules is expected at all times. 

5. Academic/Effort

Each team member is expected to maintain ACADEMIC and EFFORT STANDARDS consistent with his/her ability. Regular class attendance is mandatory. Athletes can be held back from trips if schooling is not satisfactory.  Students must attend school on the day of competition.

6. Fees

All sports require participation fees to help offset costs of uniforms, officials, entry fees and equipment supplies.  Fees are due prior to 1st league game.

7. Equipment

Uniforms and equipment are the property of the school, and must be cared for. If lost or damaged, charges will be levied. Fees are to be paid before receiving a uniform.

8. Dress

Each team member must dress in a respectable manner while representing Barnwell school at “home” or “away” games.

Athlete Responsibilities

  1. To understand and abide by the expectations of the coach regarding practice times, attitude, and behaviour on and off the floor.
  2. To understand and abide by the athletic policies set out by the Athletic Department regarding dress, academic performance, behaviour as an ambassador of the school, and involvement in total school activities.
  3. To understand and abide by the South Zone Athletic Association Constitutional Policies regarding eligibility and player conduct.
  4. To encourage other students to become involved in the Athletic Program either as an active participant (player, manager, scorer, timer, linesman, concession worker, etc.) or as an active spectator.
  5. To become gracious hosts to teams and spectators visiting Barnwell School for athletic contests.
  6. To set a positive example throughout the school community.
  7. To accept responsibility in development of a sense of community within the school.
  8. To be prepared to contribute towards improving the quality of life enjoyed within the athletic program and the school community.
  9. To investigate the possibility of moving up to a high level but to be prepared to accept the coaches' and parents' decision to play at your grade and age level.
  10. To follow the procedure for being excused from class and the implications this policy has on his or her performance in class.
  11. To accept some responsibility in contributing in some way to the financial stability of the Athletic Program.
  12. To be aware of desirable behavioural traits and attitudes encouraged and endorsed by the Athletic Department.



NO BLEACH (including detergent with bleach).

DRIP DRY (using the dryer may create problems with cresting).

PLAN AHEAD - wash AFTER your game (not before your game).

RETURN WASHED at the end of the athletic season (most seasons end with a picture day at school).

REMEMBER, the replacement cost of one new uniform can be as high as $150.

With proper care, uniforms should last 7 – 8 years.

Parent Code of Conduct

  1. My child participates in Barnwell Athletics for his or her benefit, not mine.
  2. I will not give instructions to players -- that is the coach's role.
  3. I will never question the referee's judgment, integrity or honesty.
  4. I will support all efforts to eliminate verbal and physical abuse from athletics.
  5. If I am upset by something I will wait 24hrs before discussing the issue with the team coach and will do so in a private and constructive manner by first making an appointment with the coach.
  6. I will not approach the team coach prior to or during a game/practice.
  7. I will not attempt to get other parents "on my side" regarding decisions made by the team coach. 
  8. I will show respect for all players, all coaches, all officials and all spectators at all times.
  9. I will never take part in a practice, game or team event while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.
  10. I will make my child feel like a winner by offering praise for competing fairly and doing their best.
  11. I will encourage my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.
  12. Children learn by example. I will applaud good plays by both my child's team and their opponents.
  13. I will make sure that my child arrives for practices and games at the time designated by the coach, ready to begin.
  14. I will not take part in any form of bullying, whether that be to a parent, player, team coach, or referee. Bullying in any form, whether in person, electronically (any form of social media) will not be tolerated.
  15. I realize that the team can be penalized for my behavior. I will obey a request by a referee or from the team's coach to leave the vicinity of the playing area.
  16. I will pay my child's sports' fees in a timely manor. 
  17. I will make an effort to support my child's team by helping with driving duties and concession duties.
  18. I realize that failure to abide by the Code of Conduct may result in my removal of myself, and potentially my child, from the vicinity of the playing area and potentially further repercussions by the school.

If for any reason the Code of Conduct is not followed by the parent(s), any [one or more] of the following steps may be taken by Barnwell School:

  • Request the parent not attend team events
  • Remove the player from the team

Parent Responsibilities

  1. To understand and abide by the expectations of the coach regarding practice times, attitude, and behaviour on and off the floor and help your child meet these expectations.
  2. To understand and abide by the athletic policies set out by the Athletic Department regarding dress, academic performance, behaviour as an ambassador of the school, and involvement in total school activities and help your child to understand and abide by these.
  3. To understand and abide by the South Zone Athletic Association Constitutional Policies regarding parent conduct.
  4. To encourage other parents to become involved in the Athletic Program either as an active participant (coach, manager, scorer, timer, linesman, concession worker, etc.) or as an active spectator.
  5. To become gracious hosts to teams and spectators visiting Barnwell School for athletic contests.
  6. To set a positive example throughout the school community.
  7. To accept responsibility in development of a sense of community within the school.
  8. To be prepared to contribute towards improving the quality of life enjoyed within the athletic program and the school community.
  9. To follow the procedure for being excused from class and the implications this policy.
  10. To accept some responsibility in contributing in some way to the financial stability of the Athletic Program.



NO BLEACH (including detergent with bleach).

DRIP DRY (using the dryer may create problems with cresting).

PLAN AHEAD - wash AFTER your game (not before your game).

RETURN WASHED at the end of the athletic season (most seasons end with a picture day at school).

REMEMBER, the replacement cost of one new uniform can be as high as $150.

With proper care, uniforms should last 7 – 8 years.

Coach Code of Conduct

  1. I will consider the health of my players, not use anyone who is sick or injured, and refer to a competent physician all evident physical or organic defects.
  2. I will attempt to find ways to ensure some playing time for all players whenever possible. 
  3. I will communicate my coaching philosophy with players, parents and administration before the season begins.
  4. I will try to integrate my philosophy of athletics with the general philosophy of education and encourage desirable attitudes and values in my athletes that they may become aware of the role of athletics in education.
  5. I will conduct myself so as to be a credit to Barnwell School; and encourage greater player and spectator sportsmanship.
  6. Whereas I will strive to win, I will also attempt to be graceful in losing; I will be modest in victory and gracious in defeat.
  7. I will respect officials, compliment them on a good job, and level protests at them only through regular and approved channels.
  8. I will treat visiting teams, coaches, and officials as respected guests.
  9. I will wholeheartedly maintain good relations with other coaches and defend those of the profession who are unjustly attacked.
  10. I will establish coach/player relationships on the basis of mutual respect and confidence.
  11. I will maintain cordial and cooperative relations with the school administration and staff.

Coach Responsibilities

  1. To be aware of the policies and philosophy of the Athletic Department of Barnwell School and be willing to coach in accordance with them.
  2. To communicate Athletic policies and guidelines to his/her team members regarding player conduct, academic performance, dress, smoking, etc., as set out by the Athletic Department of Barnwell School.
  3. To communicate and reach agreement with coaches of both teams and parents before moving a student up to play at a higher level.
  4. To make the Athletic Director aware of exhibition games, practice time requests and transportation needs.
  5. To make the Athletic Director aware of any potentially dangerous situations regarding equipment or playing surfaces.
  6. To help Athletic Director prepare for all home contests.
  7. To encourage players to work hard and behave in school.
  8. To issue uniforms to players and see that they are in good repair during the season.
  9. To be responsible for communication with parents concerning expectations, schedules, and travel itinerary (a short parent meeting is suggested).
  10. To encourage parents to fill any vacant Transportation Coordinator, Concession Coordinator or Emergency Referee jobs needed for your team.
  11. To turn off all lights (including change rooms) if you are the last team of the night practicing.